Michael Cole acts like he is signing the showoff, but the lights suddenly go out to a big pop.
"He’s got the whole world in his hands” song starts playing on repeat, as the crowd lights up with fireflies.
The camera pans the crowd and a spotlight shine on a life-size version of Huskus the Pig.
Life-size version of Mercy the Buzzard, Abby the Witch, Ramblin’ Rabbit & Sister Abigail are respectively shown under a spotlight.
We see some sort of head on top of the announce table, which scares Cole & Graves.
Camera cuts to ringside and The Fiend is standing at the barrier.
The camera shows what looks to be a ran down version of the Firefly Fun House, with the smaller puppets laid out.
A bizarre face is shown on a scrambled TV, speaking in a distorted voice and laugh. A light shine on a doorway at the stage.
A door is kicked open as a bright light shines through.
Bray Wyatt comes out with his lantern, wearing some sort of caricature mask and the goes wild.
A loud "holy shit" chants break out.
Wyatt removes the mask and it’s him, obviously.
The lights go out and Wyatt’s new logo appears on the screen. That's the end of the show.
(The whole presentation was just top notch, and the pop was ridiculously loud)