WWE Survivor Series War Games 2022 Results



Match: Team BelAir v Team Bayley
Winner: Team Belair

Notes: Kai and BelAir start the match BelAir takes early control using her power and speed to slow Kai down. Action slows down after a tilt a whirl slam. Kai is able to take control with running corner boot and stomps in the corner. BelAir is able to execute a suplex to regain control. Kai attempts a huracarana but BelAir is able to counter and begins to use the cage as a weapon. 

Sky now enters the match and jumps on BelAir. Sky and Kai double team BelAir in the corner. Until BelAir is able to counter with a double suplex. Sky is able to execute a top rope double stomp sending BelAir to the mat. 

Asuka makes her way to the ring and explodes on Kai. Sky and Asuka go back and forth until Kai joins Asuka on the top rope. BelAir joins Asuka and Gorilla slams Kai into the cage while Asuka perform a top rope drop kick on Sky.
Cross makes her way into the match, grabs an kendo stick and other items. Asuka approaches the door and Cross slams the door on Asuka. Cross takes control on Asuka and BelAir. Cross attacks BelAir with a trash can lid. Bliss comes into the ring and clears out Damage CTRL and Cross. Team Bel Air takes control, Cross attempts to climb the cage, BelAir in pursuit until Damage CTRL is able to bring BelAir down, after a lot of action, Cross leaps from the top of the cage dropping the entire field.
Bayley is next and gets  a ladder out and Kai helps her get them in the ring. Bayley enters the ring and performs a corner attack on BelAir into a trash can lid. Damage CTRL are triple teaming on Bliss and Asuka. 

Yim is next and begins to get weapons of her own  Yim cleans house until Cross is able to apply a sleeper on Yim. Yim is able to break free and connect with a shoulder tackle on Bayley. all eight women are working in teams of two. 

Ripley is next, and clears house. Ripley holds Asuka for Sky as she performs a double kick to Asuka. 

Lynch is the last to enter, Wargames now begins… 
Damage CTRL begins to attack Lynch as she fights them off. Lynch sidesteps a trash can attack from Cross. Then performs a leg drop into Sky with the trash can over her head. 

Lunch and Bayley now show down trading blows until Ripley breaks it up. Ripley hits riptide and attempts a pin but is broken up by Asuka.

Action continues until Asuka hits the mist on Ripley. Bayley seems to take control after a rose plant on Lynch, pin attempt, broken up by Asuka..

After a lot of offense, Sky performs a top of the cage moonsault on BelAir and Asuka. Cross now takes control and attempts to handcuff Bliss but Bliss handcuffs Cross to her. Yim applies a sleeper on Ripley but Ripley drops her on a ladder.

BelAir/Lynch face off with Damage CTRL/Bayley. BelAir hits a KOD onto the cage, Lynch hits a top of the cage leg drop onto Damage CTRL through a table, pin attempt, 1-2-3!

Match: AJ Styles v Finn Balor
Winner: Styles

Notes: Both men tie up, no clear advantage early. Styles is able to open up with kicks to the hamstrings finishing with a side slam. Styles continues to have control into Balor begins to reign down knees on Styles.  Balor attempts a pin, 1-2 kick out. Balor continues control using kidney shots to hold Styles down. Styles finds a break and takes over hitting a sliding forearm into a side slam, pin attempt, 1-2, kick out. 

Styles clash attempt, reversed until Styles hits a rope assisted leg whip. 

Priest distracts the ref, Mysterio trips Styles. Gallows upper cuts Mysterio, all four men brawl on the outside. They continue fighting through the crowd. Balor and Styles both attempt pins until Balor hits a sling blade, slowing things down. 

Styles hits a suplex into the turnbuckle, pin attempt, 1-2 kick out. After an attempted calf crusher, Balor reverses it into a double stomp. Balor continues to pummel Styles. After a few counters, Balor drives Styles to the ground for a pin attempted, kick out.

Balor attempts a Styles clash but Styles reverses into a calf crusher, Styles then attempts a Pele kick but Balor dodge and hits a Pele kick on Styles.

Balor remains in control until Styles hit a moonsault into a reverse DDT, pin attempt, 1-2 kick out. Styles heading to the top rope misses a 450 attempt. 

Balor now climbs the top rope, attempts a cope de gras and Stlyes applies a calf crusher until Balor is able to break free. Both men rise and exchange strikes.

After a brief break of action, the two go blow for blow. Styles breaks free, makes his way out side and connects with a phenomenal forearm, 1-2-3.

Match: Shotzi v Ronda Rousey (c)
Winner: Rousey

Notes: Shotzi goes after Rousey, Rousey is able to reverse Shotzi’s attacks into an ankle lock. Shotzi is able to drive Rousey into a corner. Rousey is sent outside. Shotzi attempts a mid rope dive but Bayzler pushes Rousey to take the dive. Shotzi rides her momentum to attempt a top rope attack but Rousey is able to catch her splash and slam her. 

Rousey attempts an ankle lock but Shotzi is able to survive and get a break. Shotzi is able to catch Rousey off guard with a left punch. Both make their way to the outside where Bayzler gets involved. 

Shotzi is able to perform a splash off the barrier onto Bayzler and Rousey. 

Shotzi is able to roll Rousey into the ring but Rousey hits a top rope judo throw, Rousey hits “Pipers Pit” then applies an arm bar, tap out. 

Match: Bobby Lashley v Austin Theory v Seth Rollins (c)
Winner: Theory

Notes: Lashley clotheslines Theory out of the ring, Lashley, Rollins trash talk, Rollins runs and clotheslines Theory over the ring.

Lashley powers Rollins as Rollins gets some space, Theory grabs Rollins and throws him outside. Lashley lends chase but Theory awaits Lashley and takes over until Lashley takes control until Rollins comes in diving off the top rope. 

Rollins control doesn’t last long as Lashley is able to use power to regain control. Throws Theory into the time keepers table. Theory attempts to throw Lashley into the pole but Lashley able to slow down and take out Theory but Rollins leaps off the top and delivers a knee to Lashley. 

Theory now take control using the ring steps to take out Lashley.
Theory then throws Rollins into the ring and attempts a pin, 1-2 kick out. Theory continues control. Rollins is able to roll up Theory for a pin attempt 1-2, kick out.

Rollins and Theory begin trading strikes. Rollins is able to put together a flurry of mid and top rope attacks.

Action returns to the ring and Rollins attempts a pin, 1-2, kick out. Rollins attempts a curb stomp but Lashley moves Theory. 

Lashley connects a hurt lock but Theory applies a sleeper.
Rollins hits a pedigree, and offense from all three men 
Lashley applies a Hurt Lock, Theory uses the rope to roll up Lashley, pin attempt, Rollins hits a splash on Lashley breaking up the pin.

After more action, Lashley applies a Hurt Lock on BOTH men!
Rollins hits a superplex into a Falcon Arrow but Lashley hits a spear, Theory is able to pin Rollins, 1-2-3.

Match: The Bloodline v Brutes +
Winner: The Bloodline

Notes: Jey Uso and Butch start the match.  Butch starts the offense and begins to apply joint manipulation. Butch continues to work Jey’s hand using the cage to inflict offense. Butch attempts to throw Jey into the cage but is reversed by Jey. Jey performs a neck breaker. Jey continues to work on Butch with a single arm attack. Jey throws Butch into the cage. Jey attempts to continue offense but Butch is able to apply a hold.

Holland makes his way to ring: Holland performs a shoulder tackle on Jey. Jey hits an upper cut. Holland hit a tilt a whirl slam.
Butch and Holland perform double team maneuvers on Jey.

Zayn is the next man to enter. Zayn attacks Holland. Butch performs a moonsault onto Zayn and Jey. Zayn and Jey are able to ground Butch and Holland.

McIntyre is next. Uso and Zayn attempt to double team Shamus but McIntyre is able to fight off both men. Belly to Belly on Zayn from McIntyre. McIntyre attempts a superplex but Zayn breaks it up. Holland throws Zayn. Butch climbs the top rope but is pushed off as McIntyre performs a kip up into a toss on Jey from the top rope.

Jimmy Uso makes his way to the ring and brings two tables into the ring. Jey and Zayn argue but are able to work together to hold off Butch/Holland. McIntyre slammed into the cage by Usos.

Owens is the next one in and brings chairs into the ring. Owens unloads with the chair on the Usos. Owens with a swanton on Jey. 

Zayn and Owens confront each other but Holland is able to club Zayn. McIntyre pummels Zayn. Owens puts Jimmy through a table. 

Sikoa makes his way next. Solo takes out Holland and Butch. Owens and Sikoa begin a slugfest Owens attacks Sikoa but Sikoa is unphased and is able to slam Owens on the metal ring connectors. 

McIntyre and Sikoa battle it out as McIntyre 
Sheamus is next but Zayn holds the door preventing him entry. 

Sheamus is able to enter the ring and takes out all Bloodline members. 
Reigns is the last man to enter. 

All participants stare each other down. A group battle begins. Reigns knocks all out with a punch until Sheamus connects with a knee. 50 beats on the chest are performed by Team Sheamus.
Everyone is laid to waste. Sheamus is able to isolate Reigns and connects with a knee. Sheamus brogue kicks Sikoa but Reigns hits a spear. Pin attempt, 1-2 Butch breaks up the pin. Jey, accidentally hits Zayn with a super kick.

1D on Butch, 1-2 kick out. Uso superkick to Holland followed bay a spear from Reigns. McIntyre attempts to send Reigns through a table but is saved by Sikoa. Sikoa performs a spinning Sikoa on McIntyre. 

Owens stuns Sikoa and Reigns confronts him only to get stunned. Owens hits a stunner on Reigns and a pin attempt but Zayn stops the count. 

After dramatics Jey attempts a super kick but Owens catches it until Zayn low blows Owens. Zayn performs a Helluva Kick setting up a splash by Jey, 1-2-3.

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